Wirral B v Frodsham

Sunday 4 February 2024 13:00

MVL WD2 match Wirral B v Frodsham

Venue: Woodchurch HS

Start:  11:00am

Team: Lily Hogan, Verity Wilcox, Liv Stewart, Yanxi Chen, Imi Newall, Gaby Liu, Sadie Capstick, Ella Benjamin, Piruthia Sivakumar

Result: Lost 0-3, 21-25, 23-25, 21-25

What a shambles.

First set watching the scoreboard trying to figure out how Frodsham are staying within one or two points until, out of the blue a series of our errors gives then the set 25-21. Second set fall well behind but stage a late comeback. Third set - seven points up and cruising, working out the starting 6 for set 4 then collapse, losing 6 points on loopy underarm serve, and finishing with a series of other randon unforced errors to lose 21-25.

We had a good team with a first 6 that was really too strong for Div 2 but our girls could not achieve any consistency - serve in/ serve out, good pass/ bad pass, good cover/ no cover. Frodsham had a lot of weaknesses but they were persistent and our team just didn’t seem to want to win, and worse no-one seemed to enjoy the match.