Wirral A vs Warrington

Sunday 19 March 2023 14:00

MVL WD1 home fixture

Venue: Woodchurch HS. Start: 1;00pm

Team: Eloise Duncalf (captain), Lily Hogan, Lily Bloomfield, Nicole Uzonwanne, Imi Newall, Eisha Chalal, Katie Leppington, Verity Wilcox

Result: lost 0-3, 19-25, 19-25, 10-25

Following on from a poor preformance against Seahawks (who are top the league) surely we’d do better against a mid-table Warrington side. Not a bit of it. No idea, still no attack or cover, ineffective scrambling that gave the opposition more points than we won, no atmosphere, no fight. rallied a little in a fight back in the second set but then fell behind 1-10 in the third through service receive and attack errors and just gave up at the end. Awful. Possibly the worst performance I’ve ever seen from a Wirral team.