Wirral U16 v Frodsham

Sunday 12 February 2023 16:00

MVL WD2 away match vs Frodsham

Venue:Frodsham Leisure Centre 

Team: Kate Leppington (captain), Eisha Chahal, Libby Canham, Abi Larway, Lily Prosser, Helena Hinch, Imi Newall

Result: Wirral U16s won 3-2. 23-25, 23-25, 25-19, 25-17, 15-7

A close match which our girls deserved to win but in the early sets riddled with errors from both sides. 

Wirral were technically much superior to Frodsham in the first set, Abi hit 3 clean winning spikes and served well but somehow we still managed to lose. We changed the rotation in the second set, using two setters and moving Katie to strengthen our middle block, that worked well but Abi had a complete meltdown and couldn’t hit or serve to save her life and we lost again to scambled points at the death. By the 3rd set we’d settled into the revamped system and looked much more comfortable. Both sides were still plagued by errors but Eisha, Libby and Helena were covering well and we were in the lead, then Abi came on to serve and took the set away from Frodsham. We went into to 4th heads up and much more confident, our passing was better, Abi managed to put away a few spikes and our serving was much more reliable. The improvement carried through into the 5th set where our our serve was much too strong and consistent for Frodsham, Katie won everything on the net and Lily finished things off with a lovely left-handed tip outside the block.

It’s lovely to see our U16's growing confidence in their ability and their fighting spirit. Even though this game went to 5 sets it always looked like Wirral would win it.